Thursday, 11 July 2013

.....Compositin and Framing Task review.....

This task really helped me to use my photography skills within media, this tasked helped me to draw experiance and knowledge and incorpeate it into my media work, this was a good chance for me to see how the two subjects relate and the way that they can work well togter in synergy. the use of the rule of thirds is something we talk alot about in photography, not so much in media though.... so i have learned that the rules in photography and the way that we work is similar to media and helps to make a much more sucessfull final project

skills review



.....How have my skills been developed in AS and how could they be improved in A2?.....

.....Research and planning.....
In AS my research and planning wasn’t very great, I had many more things that I could have done to further extend my planning. Half way through the production I realised how much the research and planning helps with the practical. Looking back I realised that I need to improve the way I plan and research the genre and how I will film, next time I feel that it would majorly benefit me to have all the planning done previous to shooting the first scene and that by having in-depth research it would enable me to get a larger variety of shots and explore other angles.


.....Using conventions from real media texts.....

I have looked back into my AS project and I found that I have had major influences from real media texts that I looked into prior to starting the project. By looking at real media texts before creating my project I focused on conventions and it paid off later down the line, it allowed me to use what I had discovered to make my final project. I feel that the real media texts that I looked into really helped me to gain ideas that helped me to get my project to where it is, however I feel that for A2 I need to go into more depth and look into more media texts.

.....Digital technology.....
I already knew how to use the cameras and edit using premier pro, however I would like to further extend my knowledge in after effects and editing skills to allow me to create a great project that will allow me to gain a higher grade. I would like to look into using multiple angles and tracking for my music video, I would also like to develop my in camera editing skills as I feel that it would majorly benefit me. I need to use the skills I have learned in photography to help me progress into A2, I need to focus on my project and also to develop my digital technology skills.


I am quite creative so I do like to put new ideas into what I make and produce, I like to use my ideas from other projects and incorporate them into my latest project. I would like to use the media hub and other resources to allow me to move forward, also by looking into the creative side of media it will allow me to gain inspiration.

.....Post production.....

From AS to the start of A2 I have developed my skills hugely, the workshops really helped and as a photography student I will try to use my skills that I have in that to improve my skills and work within media. The workshops are a great help dramatically and it has had a large impact on the way I look at media work and projects, and so by doing this it has helped me to develop my ideas and they will help ultimately to gain me a higher grade and give me the knowledge to achieve this. I want to really develop my skills in the way of in camera editing and the use of editing to create effects and by using my creativeness I will hopefully succeed in A2.

Monday, 8 July 2013

goodwins theory

 - Relationship between the lyrics and the visuals.
- Themes, mise-en-scene and events of the video match with lyrics of the song, to help to portray the message of the song.
 -Relationship between the music and the visuals.
- The cuts and edits of the video are in sync with the rhythm and beat of the song matching cuts or effects to specific drum beats or notes.
 - Music videos have genre characteristics
- Certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music, for example a girl bands/artists are expected to have dancers and close ups of the singers, whilst a Indi band are expected to have performance shots ofthe band and cut to a fast beat.
 - Often due to the demands of the record label, artists videos will include many close ups of the artist and will often develop motifs that recur across multiple videos
- This allows the record label to promote a set image for the band, which will help target audiences empathise with the band.
 - Emphasis on 'looking'
- The 'male gaze' is often used to attract a male audience. The male gaze is a focus on presenting things that appeal to men. This often means a voyeuristic view of, and an objectification, of women. The emphasis on looking also includes the artist looking directly into the camera helping the audience connect with the artist.
 - Intertexual references.
- Music videos reference other forms of media, most commonly film, but can alos be television and other music videos.

narrative Mini-Music Video


Carol Vernallis

Vernalis’ theory centres around
4 key concepts
that all relate to the way the music video is constructed.
They are:
1. Narrative
2. Editing
3. Camera Movement and framing
4. Diegesis

1. What does she say about Narrative?

She says that 

The video is a visual response to the music

There is not necessarily a balance between narrative and performance

The narrative is not always complete – it may be a partial, fragmented narrative

The structure of the video may appear disjointed

Something drives the video forward, but often it is not the narrative. It could be the
music, the performance, a mixture or some other element

There may not always be a clear resolution (closure) at the end

The video may pose questions that it doesn’t actually answer 

There may be a narrative or theme running through the video, but in a montage style
2. What does she say about editing?

She says that 

Editing may match the musical phrases or the beat

The video may break or disrupt many of the ‘rules’ of continuity editing – this is a clear convention of music video editing-

Editing may become ‘foregrounded – the edits may be really obvious, to draw attention  to themselves as opposed to invisible, continuity editing

levi Strauss theory

he was an anthropologist, he believed that certain charecteristics come from the functions of the brain, which lead people to think similarly regardless of culture or social background.

he was interested in how much of our world is described in opposites, eg night and day, good and bad, light and dark, opposites tend to structure texts such as stories films and music videos


Propps theory is that most narratives are about the same basic problems and the same types of character keep cropping up. He focused on the way these characters seemed to be ‘types’ rather than individuals. He recognised there were eight character types, which are:
  • The Hero – the one who is on the quest
  • The Villain – the one who opposes the hero
  • The Donor – the one who helps the hero by giving him a tool
  • The Dispatcher – the one who starts the hero on his way
  • The False Hero – the one who tempts the hero away from his quest
  • The Helper – the one who helps the hero
  • The Princess – the one who is the reward for the hero
  • Her Father – the one who rewards the hero for his efforts